Five Tips For Writing Attention-Grabbing Cover Letters

Posted by in Career Advice

A cover letter is perhaps the trickiest letter you will ever have to write as a job seeker. It can’t be too long so as to bore the reader while at the same time; it can’t be too short either. If you really look at it, you won’t be writing anything more than who you are and why are you writing the cover letter, yet you still want to make it impressive by making it different from the tons that might be fighting to be on top. So what are the secrets to writing that magical cover letter? Top Five Tips To Writing Cover Letters That Get Results Let’s look at the five most important tips that will make your cover letter get attention: 1. Please don’t use a standard cover letter (read: template) with blank spaces for addresses and date insertions. For god’s sake, avoid this as it is going to drive the recruitment manager nuts. If they have read a thousand resumes before they get to yours and they find a cover letter which is not exactly and specifically made for them, they will possibly lose interest and not continue with your resume any further. But seriously speaking, this kind of template gives a feeling of being disregarded to the reader. Can you afford to let this happen? 2. Don’t let all the goodies out of the bag in the cover letter itself. Writing all about yourself in the cover letter is meaningless when you are enclosing your resume as well. Also, a lengthy cover letter is boring and frustrating. The most a hiring manager will do is throw it aside for the circular file. This effectively means you are out of the running. So avoid lengthy cover letters, and keep it brief and to the point. 3. Clearly specify the job code (if it is provided), and give the reference as to whether you are writing the cover letter in response to an advertisement. This prevents your letter from being delivered to the wrong person/department. The right person will understand the position that you have applied for, which makes it easier for him or her to contact you. 4. Personalizing and proofreading the cover letter – this goes without saying. You may argue that perfect spelling and grammar in the cover letter are not evidence of your talents, skills and abilities. Well, look at it this way; what will you do if your talents get buried under unintentional and silly errors? Better yet, how will you know – because if they are, you certainly aren’t going to get called for an interview. 5. Grab attention in the opening sentence itself - This will grab the reader immediately and entice them to read your cover letter carefully and with interest. Think of this as sales – if you don’t get the reader’s attention from the very start, the sale (i.e. – your candidacy) is lost. Because the cover letter is the first contact that you will have with a company or recruiter, it is absolutely essential that it gets the right kind of attention from the get go. By following the five tips above, you will ensure that your resume ends up at the top of the “yes” heap.

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  • joann
    Please provide some cover letter samples.
  • Rebecca Segarraw
    Rebecca Segarraw
    Hello Heather, I undertand and agree,a cover letter is the first part of you a recruiter examines. Could you possibly present to all of us the perfect eye catching cover letter. Thank you Heather.
  • Regina Martin
    Regina Martin
    Is it possible to provide a good example of a cover letter so that I can get an idea of what you mean by an eye opening statement. Thanks.
  • Brahm Sharma
    Brahm Sharma
    Please provide some cover letter samples.
  • Ray
    As you can see from the other comments, most of us are not exactly "Creative Writers". (ME least of all)  I agree that some good examples of the "ATTENTION GRABBING" cover letter might help get the creative juices flowing for many.Thanks.
  • Joel Jimenez
    Joel Jimenez
    There are some good ideas in this program that are very helpful.  Thanks
  • Mark Hartman
    Mark Hartman
    I would have to agree that some examples would be a great help.
  • Darlene Dockery
    Darlene Dockery
    Thank you for the suggestions you offer for a good cover letter.
  • Susan Berman
    Susan Berman
    I wholeheartedly agree with you. "Canned" cover letters do not reflect well on anyone--the reader or the writer.I agree with most of the above comments, a sample or two would be helpful.  I myself like to try to relate to the organization by mentioning something I have read about them or some related news in their industry.  It shows initiative that you've taken some time to find out something about their business.
  • Pat Hanna
    Pat Hanna
    Some good examples of a good opening on a cover letter would be helpful.
    can you please show an example of a good cover letter.
  • Rani Chatterjee
    Rani Chatterjee
    Kindly post an example of a good cover letter that covers the 5 important tips.I appreciate your time.
  • Tammy
    Very well said...can you supply a cover letter example in your next letter to me.
  • Reza Omidipour
    Reza Omidipour
    Hi Heather,thanks for the info. Could you please provide some examples in your next letter (if there is one).
  • Andreas Walther
    Andreas Walther
    Great tips and clearly stated. I'd love to also have seen some examples as this always brings the point home and sticks.
  • Vidal Godwin
    Vidal Godwin
    Please be more clear on what should be on a cover letter. Give us some examples of sentences that would be what a hiring manager is looking for. Thank you for your advise and your time.
  • Elizabeth Spoto
    Elizabeth Spoto
    This is great information, but I'm still confused as to what words to use to describe me in my cover letter, you explained what not to include, but didn't put any correct words that are to be included. Please help.Thank you,Liz Spoto
  • Nancy Wagner
    Nancy Wagner
    Should provide an example of a good cover letter as a reference, expecially opening line statement.  Thanks.
  • Letitia Piercy
    Letitia Piercy
    Are you able to supply sample cover letters?  I have always has problems creating a good cover letter.
  • Ruth
    Posted by :RuthThe information was kinda helpful but I need to know more. I need to find out what you put in a cover story to make it impressive.
  • Debbie
    Some examples would be very helpful.
  • Michael Davis
    Michael Davis
    Do you have any recommendations as to who I could send a copy of my resume and cover letter too?Would you please post an example of a good cover letter that covers the 5 important tips above?Thank you very much for your time.Sincerely,Michael Davis
  • Erica Parks
    Erica Parks
  • Diane
    I think this is very good pertinent information, & I will certainly take all of this advise into consideration when creating a cover letter.Thanks,Diane
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